Patterico's Pontifications


Because It’s All About the Restraint and the Moderation

Filed under: 2008 Election,Humor — Patterico @ 11:14 pm

I keep hearing that Republicans are angry. They spew vile and spittle-flecked rants. Yada, yada, yada.

Frankly, I’m sick of this caricature. And I think this video will do much to dispel the image of the Ugly, Angry Republican. It’s about time we heard from a thoughtful, restrained perspective: a McCain supporter who doesn’t get mad. He just happens to disagree with Obama’s policies.

You can view more sober disquisitions by this fellow here. (It’s a highly stylized presentation, as you will see if you click on a couple of links.)

Put a bow tie on this guy and call him George Will.

What’s next? I’ll tell you what’s next.

19 Responses to “Because It’s All About the Restraint and the Moderation”

  1. I am almost ashamed to admit that in the solitude of my car, I am almost exactly like this guy! I actually was saying “BARACK OBAMA EXPOSED BARACK OBAMA!” in unison with him!

    I know McCain would never tolerate it, but I would love for somebody to say at a McPalin rally, “The media pounced all over Joe the Plumber…They said, ‘His name’s not even Joe! It’s Sam!’ The truth is, his middle name is ‘Joseph,’ and he chooses to go by ‘Joe.’ You see, unlike some people, he’s doesn’t throw a tantrum if you say his middle name in public!”

    L.N. Smithee (5d0161)

  2. Joe the Plumber was such a loser for McCain. Why keep pushing that loser?

    datadave (37a85f)

  3. Joe the Plumber was such a loser for McCain. Why keep pushing that loser?
    To give Democrats a clear opening to demonstrate their loathing for the independent working man.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  4. Suggested question for Sen. Obama by someone who can stand the flack, “If I ask a question, will your people and the MSM make my life hell like they did for Joe in Toledo?”

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  5. Joe the Plumber was such a loser for McCain. Why keep pushing that loser?

    Then why such an effort to discredit him?

    Ghost of Ted Gold (9fd170)

  6. “The real winner this week was Joe the Plumber,” he said. “Joe won, because he’s the only person to get a real answer out of Senator Obama about his plans for our country. Congratulations Joe. That is an impressive achievement.”

    gael (e15794)

  7. The Dems don’t want the working stiffs to think or to question. All the Dems want the working class to do is to vote for their “keep ’em down” policies. Have you ever noticed that the Dems are in control of the ten poorest cities in America. Have you ever noticed that Obama’s home town of Chicago (where the entire state is controlled by the Dems) has the worst schools in the nation.

    David (e6b345)

  8. Just goes to show the pressing need for reeducation camps.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  9. Graeme Frost thinks that Joe the Plumber needs to grow a pair.

    Josh (86f13d)

  10. Can we nominate Joe for the Pulitzer?

    I mean, he came up with this devastating and trap-filled salvo of words while in his year playing football. While the rest of the media hasn’t managed it in three years.

    Al (b624ac)

  11. None of you can claim to be the responsible, thoughtful republicans. Ninety-five percent of the people that comment on here are raging, babbling, psychotic, homoerotic, clowns. Obama is a terrorist, racist, communist, socialist, white supremecist, catholic, muslim, jew… I think I have read it all on here.

    Laura Bush killed a guy. That is worse than not killing someone. Obama never has. Obama wins.

    truthnjustice (3d65f9)

  12. You’re a towel!

    Ghost of Ted Gold (9fd170)

  13. T-n-J: Laura Bush isn’t running for President either. Bee-yond non-sequitur, dude.

    furious (56af6d)

  14. All Right!
    All you homoerotic clowns out there hold up your hands and identify yourselves.
    The psychotic ones can just go back and hit their bongs some more.

    Another Drew (7866bb)

  15. None of you can claim to be the responsible, thoughtful republicans. Ninety-five percent of the people that comment on here are raging, babbling, psychotic, homoerotic, clowns. Obama is a terrorist, racist, communist, socialist, white supremecist, catholic, muslim, jew… I think I have read it all on here.


    JD (c69925)

  16. Comment by JD — 10/21/2008 @ 2:11 pm

    Another of your fans, JD?

    Another Drew (7866bb)

  17. AD – I have enough of those kind of fans (read krazy asshat stalker types) for a lifetime.

    JD (c69925)

  18. Better you than I!

    Or, as someone once said:
    I run, I hide, I try to be circumspect, but they find me nevertheless.

    Earlier today on another thread, someone posted a link to a 1975 interview with a KGB guy who defected back in the early 70’s.
    Look it up if you have the time, it is really interesting (scary). I followed it up with a comment a couple hours later showing its’ relevance to what is happening today.

    Another Drew (7866bb)

  19. Ah, so that’s what SPQR looks like. I should’ve known.

    Psyberian (37b2ae)

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